Two beekeepers in bee suits

Kaua'i Bee Works' First Harvest of 2023

This weekend we brought in and extracted the first honey harvest of the year. Luckily our Kaua'i bees can forage all winter long and continue to produce surplus honey throughout the 'cold' season. This honey was made by our bees during the months of December and January.

The honey from this harvest is a beautiful amber golden color and tastes amazing.

Here is a little peak about our process of harvesting honey


This is fully capped frame with fresh wax capping. When the bees finish capping a frame they are letting us know they have finished their work and the honey is ready for harvest. 

Capped Honey Frame from first 2023 harvest

We uncap all of our honey frames by hand and, wow, is it satisfying to see.

 After the honey is centrifuged from the frames, you can see it flowing from the extractor. 

Finally, Pieter and Nick are suited up to return the extracted honey supers to the bees so they can be refilled in the coming weeks. The nectar flow is nearly here and the bees will need lots of space to grow and store their honey. 

Two beekeepers in suits

See you guys at the next harvest!

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