Kaua'i Bee Works

  • Owner and beekeeper Pieter in the apiary

    Expanding Apiary

    Our Apiary has been expanding as the days got longer and the weather got better. The bees take full advantage of every sunny day to collect as much nectar as possible. Before long the next harvest will be ready.

  • The Apiary

    Our honey is produced by honey bees that forage the South side of Kaua'i year round. Honey is stored in honey supers, which can weigh as much as 40 lbs each.

  • A worker bee collecting nectar from a native ‘Ōhi‘a lehua tree

    Nectar Collection

    Honey bees collect nectar from many different flowers on Kaua'i before returning to our hives and convert the nectar to honey.

  • A Look Inside the Hive

    Wooden frames provide space for the bees to build wax, where they raise their young, store pollen and honey.